IBMP Meeting Calendar
April 23, 2015
Location: Holiday Inn; West Yellowstone, MT
Meeting host and Lead Partner: National Park Service
- Final meeting report
- Final meeting agenda
- Presentations:
** 2015 Winter IBMP Operations to date; presented by PJ White (NPS).
** Brucellosis transmission dynamics; presented by Pauline Kamath (USGS). Dr. Kamath's presentation is not provided here due to a USGS policy that data and results cannot be posted online prior to publication (and formal review). She is willing to talk further with individuals per their interest (email
** Bison genetics findings ; presented by Rick Wallen (NPS).
** Multiple updates on status of activities related to Yellowstone bison and brucellosis ; presented by Jennifer Carpenter (NPS).
** US Forest Service and Montana State University habitat assessment work; presented by Dr. Clayton Marlow (MSU).
** Bison grazing study the NPS and Syracuse University; presented by Rick Wallen (NPS).
** Update on National Academy of Sciences review of brucellosis in wildlife in the GYA; presented by Peggy Yih and Robin Schoen (NAS).
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